Thursday, January 28, 2010

We interrupt this fashion post...

by Heather

Steve Jobs unveiled the highly anticipated ipad! I can't wait to blog stalk on it!

If you haven't heard Steve Jobs' Standford University commencement speech about pursuing dreams, check it out here -- very interesting and thought-provoking.

Check out this hilarious MadTV sketch which came before the real ipad.

And in other news, Howard Zinn, a historian and activist, passed away yesterday at the age of 87. I found his braveness to think freely and seek truth admirable, along with his ability to inspire people to improve the status quo. I've been reading bits and pieces of his book "People's History of the United States" -- very enlightening and eye-opening.

Fashion posting will resume next week :)


  1. Anonymouns- this is a style blog.


    Interesting, the Ipad. Looks cool. I'll have to check that out.

    That's sad about Howard Zin. I watched a documentary on him last year.

    Your sister, Melanie

  2. so cool!


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