Thursday, February 18, 2010

Fashion Week Street Scene

by Heather

NY fashion week via Citizen Couture, featuring Liz from Late Afternoon.

More fashion week via Citizen Couture. Gorgeous scarf. I love it juxtaposed with the tweed jacket.

Paris fashion week, outside Christian Dior, via Stockholm Street Style. The skirt is so pretty and I adore the black and cream combo.

Stunning necklace and I love the pattern trouser socks with the jeans.

London fashion week via Vanessa Jackman

Paris fashion week, via Trendy Crew. Great jacket.


  1. Yes to it all! The hat is marvelous, the shoes, darnnit, I want a pair.

    I'm in love with whats out there on the runways, I'm so excited to still be seeing all the leather and lace! huge fan! xoxo

  2. Great scene! Love that scarf!

    Your sister, Melanie

  3. Oh my goodness. That oversized scarf is absolutely stunning!


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